Rubik's WCA World Championship 2025 Schedule

The tentative schedule is available at the WCA website. We will adjust the exact starting time of each event based on the number of registered competitors, however we will not change the scheduled days of any events.

Competitors must check in before their first event. Check-in will be open starting at 8:00 AM on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. You do not need to check in on Thursday if you do not have any events on Thursday.

We reserve the right to change the number of competitors advancing to the semi-finals in each event, as well as 3x3 Round 2, depending on the number of competitors registered. In addition, we may add a semi-final to both 6x6 and 7x7. We are planning to make any changes of this nature no later than March 1, 2025.

Besides the compettiion, we'll have plenty of other excitement throughout the week:

Saturday, June 28 - Sunday, June 29: PNW Cubing is hosting Warm Up Seattle 2025 in Lynnwood, Washington! Your chance to warm up for Rubik's WCA World Championship 2025! Lynwood is easily accessible from Downtown Seattle.
Wednesday, July 2: Cubing at the Ball Game: we've reserved a block of tickets for the Seattle Mariners vs. Kansas City Royals baseball game! The seats are great (right behind home plate in the upper deck) and only $20 each, and the stadium is easily accessible from the venue. We only have a limited number of seats available, so make sure to book soon at Ticketor. Non-competitors are welcome to book seats as well!
Thursday, July 3: To finish up the first night of the competition, we'll have our opening ceremony, including the traditional Flag Parade, followed by the always-exciting Rubik's Nations Cup.
Friday, July 4: After the competition, you'll be able to enjoy the July 4th fireworks over Lake Union.
Saturday, July 5: WCA Staff Members will be invited to attend the WCA's annual meeting.
Sunday, July 6: We'll be finishing up the competition with our closing ceremony, awards, and (of course) crowning the new WCA World Champion!